If you’re like most Americans, you’re interested in saving money on energy costs and doing your part to help the environment. But wouldn’t it be great if you could do both? Well, you can!
Beneficial Electrification means using electricity over propane or gas when doing so either helps members save money, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and/or fosters a more robust and resilient power grid. This means fuel switching away from fossil fuels to using electricity to power our lives. As LPEA’s power supply grows cleaner, prioritizing beneficial electrification will reduce the environmental impact of our members and co-op as a whole.
Innovations in energy technologies are creating new ways to use electricity instead of fossil fuels – such as propane, natural gas, and fuel oil – in a way that reduces overall emissions and energy costs. Read more here.
LPEA aims to accelerate the adoption of heat pumps, heat pump water heaters, and other efficient electric technologies in homes and businesses across our service territory, to lower consumer energy costs, reduce emissions, and improve indoor/outdoor air quality. Click the boxes below to learn more about the corresponding electric technology.