Heat pumps provide a cost-effective, highly efficient, and low-maintenance way to both heat and cool your home. New technology also makes them an effective, efficient solution for the cold weather conditions and high elevations found in southwest Colorado. If you switch from propane or traditional electric heat to a heat pump system, you could save more than $1,000 a year on your utility bills.

Learn More About Heat Pumps and Find An Installer Here

Air-Source Heat Pump Rebates 

Rebate amounts not to exceed 50% of material cost 

Rebate Per Ton (per 12,000 BTU**)

Air Source Heat Pumps - Ducted or Ductless

Minimum HSPF2: 8.5*

$500 per ton 

Air-to-Water Heat Pumps 

(Most products qualify. Contact rebates@lpea.coop with questions.) 

$500 per ton 


*Look up the HSPF2 rating of your system by entering the outdoor and indoor unit model numbers in the AHRI search here: AHRI Database Search
**Use nameplate BTU rating or AHRI @ 5 °F

Other Heat Pump Rebates 

Rebate Type

Eligibility Requirements

Rebate amount  not to exceed 50% of material cost.

Dual-Fuel Ducted System Bonus

Ducted systems only. Propane back up only; no natural gas. Must provide 50% of heating down to 17°F. 


New Ground Source  

Minimum ¾ ton 


Replacement Ground Source 

Minimum ¾ ton 


Weatherization + Heat Pump 

Install weatherization measure(s) with heat pump (i.e. insulation, air sealing, etc.) 

Bonus $250

Find a Qualified Installer

Application instructions/requirements

  1. Complete the form below. You will need to upload:
        A. Proof of purchase/Invoice - *Materials and labor must be shown separately on the invoice. 
             - IRS W-9 form completed by the member/rebate recipient. A W-9 is kept on file by LPEA as proof of the allocation of funds. Any tax liability is the responsibility of the rebate recipient.
        B. Name on W-9 must match name on rebate check.
        C. Invoice for weatherization work if applying for Weatherization Bonus
        D. Photos of outdoor and indoor unit name plates showing model number

  2. Submit applications within 90 days of completed installation or certificate of occupancy (new construction).

  3. Installations must take place in LPEA’s service territory. DIY installations qualify for rebates, but members are encouraged to seek professional installation. A quality contractor list is available here.

  4. For Weatherization Bonus rebate, weatherization measures must be installed at the time of heat pump installation, or within the 6 months before or after of the heat pump installation. You must include an invoice for weatherization work performed with heat pump rebate application. (Select weatherization option at the end of the form.)

    1. NOTE: We highly recommend you complete weatherization measures before heat pump installation in order to properly size your heat pump. However, you may apply for a weatherization bonus rebate within six months before or after heat pump installation. If applying after installation, contact LPEA at rebates@lpea.coop.

  5. All rebates not to exceed 50% of material costs.

  6. Rebate amounts only available while funding lasts.

2024 PDF Form *Must be submitted my March 20, 2025

2025 PDF Form

Applications typically take 8-10 weeks to process and are remitted as a check. 

Having trouble submitting your rebate? E-mail us at rebates@lpea.coop.