1. Submit Application: Your Installer will submit an interconnection application for your project. They are expected to design a system that meets LPEA’s policies and requirements, and they should guide you through the process and help you complete any necessary permitting. They should also determine the appropriate size of your system based on your 12-month annual consumption history. The size will be based on your electricity needs and:
- The site’s solar resource or available sunlight
- The system’s orientation and tilt
- The system’s efficiency at converting sunlight to energy.
You will get the most bang for your buck on systems that are properly sized as systems that are oversized have longer payback periods.
2. Engineer Review: LPEA’s engineering team will review your Interconnection request within two weeks of confirming your application is complete. The application will either be approved or LPEA will communicate with your installer about required modifications. If approved, an Interconnection Agreement will be emailed, and a signed copy will need to be returned.
3. Installation: Once the application receives engineering approval your installer will then pull and obtain all permits, install the system, complete all the necessary paperwork, and program the equipment to meet LPEA’s Interconnection Standards.
4. Submit Permission to Operate (PTO) Request: Your installer will request PTO which will include evidence of a passed State Electrical inspection and evidence of the appropriate inverter settings for your solar system.
5. LPEA Final Inspection: After the final safety inspection is completed, a Permission to Operate certificate will be issued, LPEA’s billing team will be notified, and the account will be changed to that of a net-metered account.
6. Your Net-Metered Account: Within one week, your account will change to a net-metered account. Please login to Smarthub to access your net-generation and net-consumption data. It may take up to two billing cycles to start seeing the reflection of your new net-metered account. Please see our Net Metering Bill Guide for help with understanding your net-meter bank. Most net-metered members are better served on the General Service rate. If you are on the Time of Use (TOU) Rate before installing solar generation, it is recommended that LPEA performs a rate comparison to see whether the General Service Rate is a better match with your new solar generation. To learn more please see TOU vs General service rates or email an LPEA Member Service Representative to receive a rate comparison.