Rising Electricity Costs? How Time-of-Use Rates Can Help
Date Published

We know it’s concerning to hear electricity rates are going up. But we want you to know there are options to take control and likely lower your monthly bill. LPEA’s optional Time-of-Use rate can help combat rising costs by charging lower rates during "off-peak" periods.  

How Has the Rate Helped Members Save? 

Over 4,000 members have already switched and are saving an average of $5-15 per month without changing habits. But by making small adjustments like running major electric appliances after 10pm or during the day from 9am to 5pm you can save even more. 

How Time-of-Use Rates Work 

Electricity costs more when demand peaks, like hot summer afternoons when air conditioners push the grid. Time-of-use rates encourage members to spread out usage by charging less when overall demand is lower.  

Rates Monday - Saturday during peak hours (6-9am and 5-10pm) are higher, while daytime (9am - 5 pm), nights (10pm - 6am), Sundays and holidays are at an off peak lower rate. 

How Can Members Maximize Their Savings? 

You can shift usage patterns to take advantage of lower rates by: 

  • Installing timers on appliances like water heaters to run during lower, off-peak times 
  • Using major appliances like dishwashers in the late evening or mid-day 
  • Enabling timers and programmable thermostats to control loads 

Members with electric water heaters, thermal storage units, and other large loads tend to save the most. 

How Can Members Switch to the Time-of-Use Rate? 

To switch to the time-of-use rate and receive a personalized rate analysis, LPEA members can contact us directly. Our representatives will help members determine if the rate is a good fit for their household and provide guidance on how to make the most of the rate.  

Rising Costs Concern Us All 

Although we have been working hard to keep rates steady and have not increased our rates since July 2020, almost four years, electricity rates don’t look to be decreasing anytime soon. But by working together to shift demand, we can stretch our shared grid investments further and reduce rate pressure. 

Call us to switch rates or get ideas to shift your usage and bills in the right direction. Let’s tame costs together!