LPEA to host Future of Power Supply Information Series
Four presentations are scheduled to help inform membership
DURANGO, Colo. – La Plata Electric Association (LPEA) has scheduled a new Free Information Series in July to help keep the cooperative’s membership up to date on the future of electric power supply.
LPEA is an electricity distribution company (poles and wires) – structured to purchase and deliver power generated by outside sources to its membership.
“Energy is a complicated industry, but at LPEA we do endeavor to do all we can to help keep our members informed, as well as gather input from them,” said Dan Harms, manager of rates, technology and energy policy, who will co-present the meetings with Ron Meier, manager of engineering and member relations. “To that end, we hope our members will plan to attend one of the four up-coming interactive, informational sessions to discuss the future of our power.”
The Future of Power Supply meetings are set for:
July 1 – Ross Aragon Center, 451 Hot Springs Blvd., Pagosa Springs
July 2 – Forest Lakes Community Center, 998 Alpine Forest Dr., Bayfield
July 10 – LPEA Corporate Office Board Room, 45 Stewart St., Durango
July 11 – Ignacio Community Library, 470 Goddard Ave., Ignacio
The presentations will cover LPEA’s exploration of trends in the industry, including results from the LPEA Power Supply Committee, as well as the next steps to ensure LPEA’s membership will continue to enjoy reliable and affordable power.
“We will also look at what Tri-State Generation and Transmission, our primary power supplier, is doing in this area, including energy production from renewable resources, and further discuss LPEA’s Strategic Goal of reducing our carbon footprint,” said Meier. “We understand that where we get our electricity is of concern to our membership, so we are taking steps to explore all options.”
All presentations are scheduled for 6:30 p.m. RSVP is not required but appreciated: jbennett@lpea.coop. Learn more at www.lpea.coop.
LPEA, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative celebrating 80 years in 2019, provides to its more than 30,000 members, with in excess of 43,000 meters, safe, reliable electricity at the lowest reasonable cost, while being environmentally responsible.