Important notice on door-to-door solar solicitations
Date Published

We’ve received reports that a solar company is making door-to-door visits in our service territory, claiming to be associated with LPEA and encouraging members to install solar on their homes with dubious claims. Please know that LPEA is not directly affiliated with any solar company, and we strongly encourage our members to be well-informed and well-prepared before pursuing any large investment like solar. 

For tips on how to be prepared and what false claims to watch out for, please visit the solar scams page here. We strongly encourage members to discuss their solar installation with LPEA first and use an LPEA Qualified Solar Installer. Otherwise, LPEA cannot guarantee the system can be connected to our grid.

LPEA offers many resources for our members looking to pursue solar, including a Qualified Solar Installer list. You can access our solar resource section here.

If you ever feel victimized by false or misleading advertising, you may also file a Consumer Protection complaint with the Colorado Attorney General here or call their fraud hotline at 1-800-222-4444.

Thank you to those who brought this to our attention. Please never hesitate to contact us for clarification on anything related to LPEA.