2/15/23 UPDATE
There have been recent public statements made about the Hesperus solar project inferring that LPEA will definitely not buy any power generated by this project and that all power generated would be transmitted to areas beyond southwest Colorado. We want to update our initial statement to clarify that this is not yet certain.
While we noted in our November 2, 2022 statement that “LPEA is not bound by any expectations to purchase the power from this project, or even transmit it over LPEA lines,” we also noted that “If the project proceeds and results in the generation of cost-competitive power, LPEA may be able to purchase power from the development in the future, but it is too early to judge the feasibility of that option.”
There is still the potential for LPEA to participate in the power generated by this project, but we need to let the process proceed and evaluate the potential benefits of this project.
Dear members,
You may have read the article in the Durango Herald or heard through other channels about the large solar project being proposed south of Hesperus. The proposed project is roughly 1,900 acres and would generate enough energy to power 56,000 homes annually. This project is being spearheaded by Primergy, a private solar developer based out of Oakland, California.
While this project is within LPEA’s service territory, we want to stress that LPEA is not involved in the development of this project. Primergy is an independent power producer without affiliation to LPEA. LPEA is not bound by any expectations to purchase the power from this project, or even transmit it over LPEA lines.
If the project proceeds and results in the generation of cost-competitive power, LPEA may be able to purchase power from the development in the future, but it is too early to judge the feasibility of that option.
For more information about the Hesperus Solar Project, visit primergysolar.com/our-projects/Hesperus. If you have any further questions or concerns, contact Primergy directly at hesperus@primergysolar.com.
Jessica Matlock