October is Cyber Security Awareness month!
Date Published

In the age of rapid digital transformation, the importance of cybersecurity has never been more critical. This October LPEA is celebrating Cybersecurity Awareness Month, and we are proud to lead the charge in advancing cybersecurity to ensure the safety and reliability of electricity for our members. 

Our commitment to keeping your lights on drives us to continuously plan, strategize, and collaborate in the realm of cybersecurity. At LPEA, we understand that securing our critical infrastructure is not a solo effort but a collective responsibility. That's why we proudly partner with federal and local law enforcement agencies to bolster critical infrastructure protection. Sharing threat information is a crucial aspect of our collaboration, enabling us to stay ahead of emerging cyber threats that could disrupt your electricity access. 

But our dedication to cybersecurity goes beyond partnerships alone. At LPEA, we pursue cutting-edge technology to minimize power outages and enhance grid resilience. By deploying state-of-the-art cybersecurity solutions, we fortify our systems against potential attacks, ensuring that your electricity supply remains reliable despite evolving threats. This commitment allows us to continue delivering cost-effective and dependable electricity to our members, day in and day out. 

In an era where digital interconnectivity is the norm, trust LPEA to do what we can to safeguard your energy future. Our efforts in cybersecurity are not just a part of our mission; they are at its core. As we observe Cybersecurity Awareness Month this October, we invite you to explore our cybersecurity initiatives and learn more about how we are ensuring a secure energy future for all.