Unauthorized use of LPEA membership information questioned
LPEA CEO responds in letter to membership at www.lpea.coop
DURANGO, Colo. - In response to a member inquiry during the La Plata Electric Association (LPEA) Annual Meeting (May 12, 2018) regarding director candidates’ unauthorized use of the membership list for campaign solicitation, LPEA has determined that, at this juncture, there has been no unauthorized use of member information.
Suggestion was made during the meeting that one or more director candidates had disclosed the list to an unauthorized third party.
“Though we will continue to investigate, at this juncture we can find no wrong doing or unauthorized use of member information in this recent director election,” said Mike Dreyspring, CEO. “LPEA takes protecting its members’ information very seriously and has always taken a proactive approach to limiting how our members’ information may be used during a campaign.”
LPEA is governed in accordance with policies and procedures approved by the LPEA Board of Directors. Dissemination of member information, as it pertains to director candidate elections is Policy 117, which states: “[a] list of members of the Cooperative and their addresses are available to . . . bona fide candidates for director at the next annual meeting pursuant to C.R.S. Section 40-9.5-110(1)(b).”
To protect member information, in accordance with Policy 117, a candidate requesting the list of members is required to sign a nondisclosure agreement and must attest that the purpose of receiving the list is for the distribution of candidate position statements.
In order to receive the membership list, the candidate must also promise to destroy or return the list after the annual meeting. The list cannot be used for any other purpose, including advertising, marketing, solicitation, or used in computerized auto dialer systems, though phone numbers are not included in the membership list provided to candidates.
“All candidates who requested the list for the purposes of running for a Board position in this year’s election signed a nondisclosure agreement ostensibly preventing them from using the membership list for any purpose other than what was set forth in the request for information filed with LPEA pursuant to Policy 117,” said Dreyspring. “Disclosing, disseminating, or using the list for any other reason would be a violation of the nondisclosure agreement signed by each of the candidates. At this time, LPEA has no evidence to show that a candidate has violated the provisions of Policy 117.”
LPEA will further investigation, and should any breach come to light, LPEA will take appropriate steps to enforce the terms of the nondisclosure agreement and ensure that its members’ information is protected.
Dreyspring’s complete letter to the membership regarding this matter has been posted at www.lpea.coop. Further information is also available directly from Dreyspring at mdreyspring@lpea.coop.
If any LPEA member believes that a third party has obtained and used private information as a result of the LPEA Board election process, they are asked to contact LPEA immediately 970.247.5786.
LPEA, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative established in 1939, provides to its more than 33,000 members, with in excess of 42,000 meters, safe, reliable electricity at the lowest reasonable cost, while being environmentally responsible. For additional information, visit www.lpea.coop.