LPEA Member Appreciation Lunches in September
Tuesday | August 17, 2021
If you pay an electric bill to LPEA then you are a member and you are invited to enjoy a meal and li...
LPEA community outreach in August
Monday | August 16, 2021
So far this month we have been able to visit with many of our members face-to-face through a blood d...
Electric Thermal Storage (ETS) program updates
Thursday | August 12, 2021
To help us better support our large and growing list of members with ETS units in their home, we are...
Durango’s first electric vehicle fast charging station now open
Thursday | July 29, 2021
Durango’s first electric fast charging station is now live and available for public use at the Duran...
LPEA 2021 member satisfaction survey begins in August
Tuesday | July 20, 2021
To gauge member satisfaction and better serve our members in the future, LPEA’s biennial membership ...
Seven ways to “beat the peak” and reduce your LPEA bill
Monday | July 19, 2021
As a cost-conscious consumer, you know that reducing your energy use can save you money. But did you...
Webinar: Electrify Your Ride - The Latest on EVs in Our Area
Thursday | July 15, 2021
Join us on Tuesday, July 27th at 6:00 p.m. for the second webinar in LPEA’s Beneficial Electrificati...
$1.5 million in Capital Credits heading to LPEA members in July and August
Wednesday | July 7, 2021
Over the coming weeks, La Plata Electric Association (LPEA) will disburse $1.5 million in Capital Cr...