Members attended in person or virtually to hear about LPEA's 2022 accomplishments. Here are all the highlights from the 2023 Annual Meeting.
2023 Board of Directors Elections Results
- District 4 (North & East La Plata County): Candidate David Luschen won with 1,187 votes. Candidate John Purser received 769 votes.
As no challenger applications were received in Districts 1, 2, and 3 the following candidates were seated unopposed:
- District 1 (Archuleta County) new candidate Nicole Pitcher filled the seat vacated by retiring director Bob Lynch.
- District 2 (South & West La Plata County) incumbent John Lee Jr. was seated.
- District 3 (City of Durango) incumbent Rachel Landis was seated.
The proposed bylaw amendment passed with 3,973 in favor and 2,021 opposed.
Out of 36,003 ballots mailed in all districts, a total of 6,083 LPEA members cast votes for an approximate 17% return rate. Due to unopposed candidates, there was no election in 2022.
Officers will be elected at the next meeting of the LPEA Board of Directors scheduled for Wednesday, June 14, beginning at 9 a.m. Members can join virtually (or attend in person). Meeting details can be accessed here.
Questions & Answers
The questions link to the responses in the YouTube recording
- How come electric in Fort Myers, Florida cost 1/3 less per kilowatt? They are using natural gas as a source of energy.
- What are the reasons you would want to leave Tri-State?
- Are we going to be experiencing a rate increase?
- What have you done to address supply chain issues?
- What are your efforts to ensure people who are not members but live in your service territory are heard on important issues?
- Can you speak more to how margins of a co-op and the range in which you have to work with?
Interim Campaign Finance Disclosures
Final Campaign Finance Disclosures
If you have any follow-up questions or comments, please email comments@lpea.coop.