Support Local Non-Profit Organizations
The mission of the LPEA Round Up Foundation Board is to advance and support causes within our service territory to improve the quality of life in our community. LPEA uses “round up” contributions from its members to provide funding for specific needs, special projects, and programs. If you are a member and would like to participate in “Round Up” visit this page and fill out the form at the bottom.
Funding Deadlines
Grant applications are due on the first business day of the month and will be reviewed by the Round Up Foundation Board on the last Monday of each month. Grant funds are generally awarded three to four weeks after the board meeting.
Round Up Comunity Impact Grant Criteria
- Be a non-profit organization in good standing with the IRS within LPEA's service territory
- Request up to $3,000 or less per non-profit organization
- Have not applied for a Round Up Community Impact Grant within the last 24 months
We Do Not Fund
- For-profit organizations
- Non-specific operating expenses (such as salary and overhead assistance)
- Solar projects
- LPEA utility bills
If you are with a non-profit organization and want to apply for funding from the Round Up Foundation, please complete the webform below. If you have any questions or issues, call Carrie Hugus, Community Outreach Specialist, at (970)-382-3505 or email
What is the Round Up Fund?
The La Plata Electric Round Up Foundation is a non-profit fund, generated by LPEA members rounding up their electric bills to the next higher dollar amount (average of 50 cents/month, $6.00/year). A member can select Round Up Plus which “rounds up” and adds additional dollars each month. Every month the La Plata Electric Round Up Foundation Board reviews applications from local nonprofits and allocates funds that support our community’s needs.
Who is eligible to request assistance?
Nonprofit organizations in good standing with the IRS that serve our service area – primarily La Plata and Archuleta counties.
How do I apply for assistance?
Non-profits that serve the LPEA service area can apply by filling out the webform at After LPEA staff vets the request, the Round Up Foundation Board will review and make funding recommendations.
When is the deadline for application submissions?
Applications received by the first of each month will be considered at that month’s regular board meeting. Please note that a nonprofit organization is only eligible to receive funds from the Round Up Foundation every two years.
Is there a limit to the amount I can request?
No, but the LPEA Round Up Foundation Board has limited funds to disburse each month. Often requests cannot be granted in full. Grant awards typically range from $500 to $3,000.
What information should I include with my application?
The applicant will need to include the following:
- Make a specific request, telling the board exactly how much money you are requesting and how you intend to use the funds.
- If the funds are being requested to purchase a new item or for a repair, please include two or three bids for the item or work. The Round Up Foundation Board encourages that at least one bid be from a vendor or supplier in the La Plata Electric service territory if possible.
- List other sources of funding or assistance that are available to you; outline which sources you are pursuing, the amounts requested, and any amounts already awarded. The Round Up Foundation Board encourages applicants to pursue funding from numerous sources.
- All applications must include the organization’s most recent financial statement for the organization, or a project/program specific budget.
- Name(s) under which organization has applied for funding support.
How do I send in my application?
You must apply through the online web form at
How quickly will the board respond to my request?
As long as your application is complete, we review the request in the same month that it is submitted. You will be contacted when a decision is made regarding the request.
If I receive funding, what are my responsibilities to LPEA Round Up?
You will be sent a Post Grant Report with specifics, but an organization must be willing to submit digital photographs of item purchased/events held using Round Up grant, a testimonial describing how the Round Up grant has helped your organization, enrolling five (5) new Round Up members, explanation of how Round Up marketing materials were distributed to members of your organization.
If you are a member and would like to participate to “Round Up” visit this page and fill out the form on the bottom.