Keep your heat off the street this winter

Date Published
Heating season is right around the corner and preparing your home and heating system can help save money and give you more bang for your energy buck. Here are eight things you can do to keep warm air inside where it belongs:
- Get your heating system regularly maintained and serviced by a professional – especially just before the heating season starts.
- Keep your furnace clean and change the filter monthly. Regularly unblock and clean radiators, baseboards, and vents.
- If you have a fireplace, keep the damper closed when it is not used and add caulking around the hearth. If you do not use your fireplace, plug and seal the flume.
- Install a programmable thermostat and set lower temperatures while you are away and when sleeping.
- Add weather stripping and caulking to windows and doors. Also, make sure walls, attics, and flooring—especially above unheated spaces such as crawl spaces and garages—are properly insulated.
- Let the sunshine in through open curtains during the day and close all blinds and curtains after dusk to reduce heat loss.
- Turn down the temperature of the water heater to 120F degrees. This saves money on heating costs and is hot enough to suit your hot water needs.
- If your heating system needs to be replaced, talk to your installer about getting the most efficient unit you can afford. Doing so can help you save on your monthly heating bills well into the future. Heat pumps are the most energy-efficient solution available and are now cost-competitive with gas and propane alternatives.