We are proud to announce our 2024 scholarship program, offering nine exciting opportunities for grad...
Electricity costs more when demand peaks, like hot summer afternoons when air conditioners push the ...

Remember the Winter “Blinks”

Saturday | November 25, 2023
LPEA members may have recently witnessed their electricity appearing to turn off and on in rapid suc...

FastTrack Sold to Expand Rural Broadband

Tuesday | November 21, 2023
We have sold our stake in regional internet provider FastTrack Communications to Clearnetworx, a Col...
We are undertaking local pilot projects to demonstrate the benefits of electrification and encourage...
Here's the plan: We move energy-heavy tasks to when energy rates are cheapest using remote technolog...
Jessica Matlock, our CEO, emphasized, “Fire mitigation is a priority for LPEA, and we’re excited to ...
What's Going On? We're sprucing up a crucial part of our system —  Monday, October 30th, and Tuesday...